My favorite running pic!

My favorite running pic!
The Buffalo Creek Half

Friday, February 24, 2012

Only 5 weeks to go

Oh my gosh!  I only have 5 weeks until my first half marathon!  I can't believe it!  I already feel myself getting nervous/anxious about it.  But I also know that I have done the training (although I still have a bit to go) and I can push my body.  Joanne tells me not to worry about it...I'll be fine!  That's my running partner, always encouraging!  I think she believes in me and my running ability more than I believe in myself!

So tomorrow we are scheduled for a 9+ mile run.  I actually am looking forward to it for the most part, except for 3 things:  snow, WIND and the hills!  I looked at the forecast this morning and we have the possibility of getting 2 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow morning.  Ugh!  As long as the roads are pretty clear, I don't have a problem with that.  The wind, that's another story.  I HATE running in wind.  It just makes it so difficult to catch your breath, so between the wind and the neverending hills tomorrow, well, I'm a little concerned.

Not sure of our route tomorrow.  We'll need to change it up a bit to get in the extra mile.  I actually like running different routes because my body never knows what is coming next.  I think it makes you push yourself just a little bit harder.  It's always nice to go back to the routes you know, but I think sometimes it gets boring.  Just my opinion.

Hopefully, the snow will be minimal, the wind will be nonexistant and the hills, well, the hills will be tolerable.  Those are my hopes for tomorrow's run.  Oh yes...and that I'll make it because 5 weeks is coming up quick!

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